During 2020 our conversations increasingly turned to bygone farmhouse cheddar makes and their diversity. It got us thinking about why things are done a certain way and why we hold on to some methods and discount others. But while theoretical talk is all well and good, nothing beats actually doing it, so starting in February 2021 we decided to conduct a series of historic cheddar makes to see what we could learn.
We've had some great press recently as word has spread about our new cheese-turning robot and underground cheese cellar. Following a visit from Ruth Sanderson of Radio 4's On Your Farm, we've had journalists from the Times, Telegraph, Express and the Daily Mail flocking to the dairy to see 'Tina' in action turning our cheddars. If you missed the coverage, you can catch up here…
Watch a timelapse of the Westcombe Dairy cheese cellar being built
Well, we finally did it. Less that two years since it began, we’ve finished our new underground cheese cellar! What was once just an idea – and then not much more than a dream – is finally a reality. Our vast vaulted cellar is built and buried back into the cool, insulating clay of the hill, the shelves are up and loaded with cheese, and the robot (affectionately named ‘Tina the Turner’) is whirring up and down the aisles, lifting, turning and brushing the cheese wheels as they undergo their long, slow maturation into beautiful Westcombe cheddar.
And we couldn’t be happier. Sure, it wasn’t the easiest of journeys getting here, but all in all it came together really well. The new cooling system, which is using water from a spring just behind the cellar and circulating it to keep the ageing rooms at the right temperature and humidity, is working brilliantly. Better still, the cellar is already taking on the distinctive Westcombe aroma that defined the old ageing rooms (and some of the character of our cheddars). The new cheeses are also moulding nicely, so we’re pleased with how things are looking at this point. We’re also pleased with all the empty shelves, the result of giving ourselves much more capacity to age cheese!
Our newly designed storage, packing and despatch area at the front of the cellar is a bit of a revelation too, ending years of niggling frustrations with our old set-up, and making things far more efficient and cohesive. While the cellar itself harks back to a pretty ancient way of doing things (using the cool, damp and stable conditions of a natural cave to store and preserve foods), the new packing area is distinctly 21st century, designed and built with state-of-the-art kit and workflow to ensure the highest standards are maintained at all times.
There’s a still a bit of work left to do: the mezzanine area about the packing and despatch rooms, where Dad’s office and our training area/education facility will be housed, is still taking shape, but work’s moving fast on these and they won’t be long now. Then it’s just a case of finishing off the facade to make the whole thing look suitably grand, but also to ensure it's understated and in keeping with nature and the original appearance of the hillside.
In the meantime, here's a video of ‘Tina’ in action, doing her thing and keeping the cheeses happy…